编辑: upupw 发布时间: 2013-03-19 20:49:44 来源: UPUPW绿色服务器平台 热度: 29059
在 CSS3 中为 CSS2.1 新增的取值,下面是每个属性新值的列表。
- Value “local” for the background-attachment property
- Value "rgba()" for any property that accepts a color value
- Value "hsl()" for any property that accepts a color value
- Value "hsla()" for any property that accepts a color value
- Value "currentColor" for any property that accepts a color value
- Value "inset()" for the clip property
- Value "linear-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
- Value "radial-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
- Value "repeating-linear-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
- Value "repeating-radial-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
- Value "image()" for any property that accepts an image value
- Multiple comma-separated images for any property that accepts an image value
- Multiple comma-separated background-related values to match multiple background image declarations
- Value "center" for the position property
- Value "page" for the position property
- Value "space" for the background-repeat property
- Value "round" for the background-repeat property
- 15 new values for the cursor property
- Values "flex" and "inline-flex" for the display property
- Values "all-small-caps", "petite-caps", "all-petite-caps", "titling-caps", and "unicase" for the font-variant property
- Multiple, space-separated values for the letter-spacing property
New values for the text-align property, including
", "match-parent", "start", "end", and "start end" - text-decoration is now a shorthand property
- Keywords "hanging" and "each-line" declared along with length or percentage values for the tfext-indent property
- Value "full-width" for the text-transform property
- rem units for lengths
- calc() units for lengths
- toggle() units
- Angle units (deg, grad, rad, turn)
- Time units (s, ms)